We have various resources that have been designed especially for you! Anyone interested in learning more about water quality, agriculture, and some of our most recent studies can find it all right here. Please explore the links below for more program information, free introductory microbiology lessons, a downloadable version of our track and scat field guide and more!
Food Safety Education
Two lessons covering Introductory Microbiology, Current Research and Biofilm Mitigation; complete with a certificate of completion at the end of each lesson! En Espñaol aquí. See our flyer for more details! food_safety_education_flyer.pdf
Track and Scat Glovebox Guide
Designed to assist growers with the identification of wild and domestic animal intrusion. This easy-to-use field guide features real tracks and scat from more than 30 animals commonly found in Southwest Arizona, comprehensive track and scat identification techniques, risk rankings for each animal, waterproof pages and a ruler to easily measure tracks and scat in the field. track_and_scat_glovebox_guide.pdf
Ag Water App and Online Calculator
A mobile app and website that will take the guess work out of maintaining compliance with water quality requirements as outlined in Produce Safety Rule. Includes an FDA approved risk calculator to determine the Geomean and Statistical Threshold Value of any water source. The app also features real-time evaluation for the potential of pathogen contamination in a water source and sampling advice. The app is available in Google Play and Apple App Stores. The web version of the app and online calcular can be accessed here: Ag Water App and MWQP Online Calculator
Water Quality Presentations
Pollution and Solutions: Introduction to Water Quality and E. coli Bacteria Sampling
Are Risk-Based Water Quality Sampling Strategies for the Fresh Produce Industry Effective?
Select Publications
Agricultural Use of Recycled Water for Crop Production in Arizona, June 2015
Water Quality, E. coli and Your Health, March 2014
Water Recycling FAQs, May 2012
Common Terminology of Water Recycling, May 2012
Microbial Source Tracking: Watershed Characterization and Source Identification, August 2011
Arizona Drinking Water Well Contaminants, November 2009